Saturday, October 30, 2010

Layers Raspberry Panda

This blog it an experiment with layer s based on a Tutorial from the website

Above is the original picture that I began with.  For the first few steps, I uploaded the  picture of the panda and the raspberries.  Then I selected each picture out using the magnetic lasso tool and moved each to a new layer.

Next I used the raspberry layer and liquified it to fit over the panda's feet.  I found it diifcult to liquify the raspberry, becasue it altered the image.  Instead I cloned the rasberry using the cloning stamp.  It does have the same effect but it was easier to fill the panda.  Then I filled in the panda with the raspberry stamp and erased and overlays.
To finish this I used the copied the raspberry layer over the pandas face.  For this step turned the opacity to about 40 so I could see the panda layer and raspberry.  Then I used the magnetic lasso tool on the duplicated raspberry later to cut out the shape of the eyes and the nose.  Above is the final image.  I tried to place the panda back in the original image, but it wouldn't format correctly. 

Below is the link which I found the Tutorial.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Connotation and Denotation of HKKF

The Modern Icarus II.

The first image is The Modern Icarus II, the denotations identified in this image is a man hooded with makeshift wings, a crow next to him, on the edge of a cliff.  The man is in modern apparel with a dark hooded sweatshirt, jeans, and sneakers.  This background is dark with clouds looming over his head.  The Modern Icarus II, comes from the Greek mythology, the story of Icarus.  Icarus was a craftsman's son, his father construct wings for him to escape.  In the myth Icarus was attempting to escape from Crete and was instructed nor to get to close to the sun.  Icarus flew higher and higher towards the sun, were his wings burned and he tumbled to his death.  The connotations in this image is focusing on the lone man, he his direct in the middle of the image with his wings and a crow.  His contemplative stance on the edge of the cliff leaning downward is suggestive to the thought of him jumping.  In this modern version of Icarus, it is suggestive that he is trying to escape from reality or the daily troubles of life.  

The Modern Prometheus.

In the second image, The Modern Prometheus the denotation seen in in this image is a man holding his head, with the words job, me, society, and family divided into sections on his face.  A piece of meat is nailed to the wall with the word money written across it.  The image, The Modern Prometheus is derived from the Greek myth of the titan, Prometheus, whom stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mankind.  Prometheus was punished by Zeus, bound to a rock and had his liver devoured by an eagle, only for the liver to regenerate daily and the eagle to return.  The connotations in this image is a sense of grief, the man his palming his head as people do when they are frustrated.  The words labeled on his face, job, society, family, and me are the things in life that you deal with daily.  This words are all things that man struggles with.  The man is alone in this image, much like the image, The Modern Icarus II.  The Modern Prometheus has his liver nailed to wall as a form of punishment, title money.  Society, job, family and himself are things he may have stolen and in a sense is being punished with money weather it be being alone with all the money in the world, or being alone with no money.  Society has corrupt people into focusing on money and placing it above family, society, a job, and even above yourself yourself.  Thus this trouble is nailed to the wall and regenerates daily, like Prometheus' liver in the Greek myth.    

Both images are works created by HFFK.  They can be found on the link below.