Saturday, October 30, 2010

Layers Raspberry Panda

This blog it an experiment with layer s based on a Tutorial from the website

Above is the original picture that I began with.  For the first few steps, I uploaded the  picture of the panda and the raspberries.  Then I selected each picture out using the magnetic lasso tool and moved each to a new layer.

Next I used the raspberry layer and liquified it to fit over the panda's feet.  I found it diifcult to liquify the raspberry, becasue it altered the image.  Instead I cloned the rasberry using the cloning stamp.  It does have the same effect but it was easier to fill the panda.  Then I filled in the panda with the raspberry stamp and erased and overlays.
To finish this I used the copied the raspberry layer over the pandas face.  For this step turned the opacity to about 40 so I could see the panda layer and raspberry.  Then I used the magnetic lasso tool on the duplicated raspberry later to cut out the shape of the eyes and the nose.  Above is the final image.  I tried to place the panda back in the original image, but it wouldn't format correctly. 

Below is the link which I found the Tutorial.

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